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Karta: The Circle Is Now Complete (JP)

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NazwaThe Circle Is Now Complete (JP) (The Circle Is Now Complete)
GraStar Wars CCG
EdycjaPremiere Limited
TekstIf Vader and Obi-Wan are at same site, use 1 Force initiate a duel between them. Either Jedi is power +2 if they have a lightsaber. Loser of battle is out of play, and he (the same persona) may not be deployed for the remainder of the game.
FlavorVader and Obi-Wan Kenobi fought a final lightsaber duel near Hangar Bay 327 on the Death Star. "When I left you I was but the learner| now I am the master."
JęzykJapoński JP
SubtypeLost Interrupt
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