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Karta: Secrets of Success

[Card image]
NazwaSecrets of Success
GraBabylon 5
TekstIrrevocable. Show the other players a Babylon 5 CCG card of yours from outside the game (even if there are already 3 or more copies in your deck). Hold a player vote (each player still in the game votes once, even if they have no Babylon 5 vote). If the vote passes, take the card into your hand.
Flavor"I want you to be happy, and I want me to be happy. I want you to be happy for me, and me to be happy for you. Is that so much to ask around here?" - Londo
JęzykAngielski EN
Fixed Centauri0
Fixed Human0
Fixed Minbari0
Fixed Narn0
Fixed non-aligned0
Fixed Home Factions0
Fixed Psi Corps0
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