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Karta: 銀と真珠の首飾り

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Nazwa銀と真珠の首飾り (Necklace of Silver and Pearls)
GraMiddle Earth
EdycjaThe Dragons
TekstHoard item. Discard this card to give +3 direct influence and +5 mind to bearer until the end of the turn. The bearer's additional mind does not use any controlling influence. This item may also be so discarded during opponent's site phase.
Flavor"'I beg of you,' said Bilbo, stammering and standing on one foot, 'to accept this gift!' and he brought out a necklace of silver and pearls that Dáin had given him at their parting." -Hob
RysownikAudrey Corman
JęzykJapoński JP
TypeResource Item
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